My broth journey.
Grandma Dip and I whippin’ something up back home
The day had finally come when I looked in the mirror and did not recognize myself. I was overweight, depressed and I was getting sick all of the time. I had no energy like I used to and I had completely stopped caring about my body. I have always been obsessed with my personal nutrition and taking care of the body I have been given, but that state of mind had been forgotten. I was on a path of disrespect towards my own body and personal goals for a few solid years when I finally broke. So, I decided I was over it and started doing what I knew best….. meal prepping, going to the gym, supplementing, reading, spending time with myself and on myself. Months had gone by and I had again, become rooted in the world I love most. The world of nutrition, self awareness, bio-hacking and being back in the gym.
The changes were not coming like they once did so I dug deeper into my books and papers and podcasts. Countless hours of research on what the body needs to make it function at its peak, always circled back to the importance of gut health. This is because your gut is in control of everything you do. If you’re not giving it what it needs to function at its highest level, then everything else you do will suffer.
I finally realized, bone broth was the answer!
I started making it for myself, my family and for a few friends. After I saw such dramatic personal results, I made more and more and gave it to anyone who would listen to me rant about gut health. When other people started seeing the same results, I realized how powerful bone broth truly was. I was absorbing nutrients better, my joints didn’t ache, my flexibility had gotten much better, my energy was through the roof and I suddenly started seeing drastic differences in the appearance of my body as a whole. I started becoming obsessed with the ingredients, and the cooking process. Going to the farms to see the animals and meeting the farmers became my norm, and my broth got better and better. After a year of giving broth to close friends and family, it became clear to me that this had become my purpose. DIPS was born!